The launch allows the company to better serve more urology customers with a complete portfolio of stone management products.
Bloomington, Indiana-based Cook Medical designed Ascend to always be ready to use. It eliminates common issues in reusable ureteroscopes, including scope fatigue, reprocessing and missing or broken parts.
“The Ascend ureteroscope makes Cook a single destination for stone management disposables. As a single-use scope, Ascend is the perfect complement to our portfolio. Physicians can complete procedures faster because they won’t have to wait for scopes to be reprocessed; Ascend is always ready,” Johan Lowinger, director of product management for Cook’s Urology specialty, said in a news release.
Ascend has numerous features to help surgeons perform complex urologic procedures. It has 275-degree up/down deflection, a deflection lock that retains the needed angle of deflection, a standard and reverse model offering, and enhanced illumination with a transparent distal tip.
“To make this product even more accessible, Ascend is eligible for the Medicare Transitional Pass-through (TPT) payment program used by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). We are excited to make the Ascend ureteroscope, along with our other urology products, available to Cook customers,” Lowinger said.