MASSDEVICE ON CALL — Things aren’t going to get any easier in the healthcare industry in the near future regardless of what the Supreme Court rules on the Affordable Care Act, AdvaMed executive vice president David Nexon says in an interview:

The interview was conducted as part of Kaiser Health’s "Supreme uncertainty: What’s next after the court rules" series.
Mass.’s life sciences initiative doesn’t live up to the hype
Massachusetts’ $1 billion life sciences initiative didn’t create as many jobs as its designers had anticipated, with the latest tally at 8,750 since 2008, half of which were temporary construction gigs. The initiative was expected to create more than 250,000 over 10 years.
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Survey says most docs are down on healthcare reform
More than half of the 500 doctors queries in an annual survey said that President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act would not lower costs or improve patient outcomes.
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Advanced BioHealing adds hundreds of jobs in San Diego
Regenerative health company Advanced BioHealing plans to add hundreds of new jobs as it expands it operations in San Diego, Calif.
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Artificial pancreas for the under-7 population
In a study of diabetic children under the age of 7, researchers concluded that "artificial pancreas" system, which automatically monitors and regulates blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes, could make a big difference in preventing hyperglycemia.
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