Nuro announced today that it launched Kompos II, a neurological keyboard controllable by thought without requiring brain surgery. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada-based Nuro’s Kompos II keyboard features 44 keys, controllable instantly by thought. The company believes the system can cater to a range of computing needs and industries, but it has uses in a medical sense. […]
Nuro achieves communication in locked-in patient with its neurotechnology
Nuro announced that a teenager with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) regained some communication ability with its technology. The fully locked-in patient, referred to as “J,” is completely incapacitated by the debilitating disease. Using the company’s NUOS Extreme 2 system, the 17-year-old girl from Chicago controlled critical communication, music and video content. She achieved this using […]
Nuro secures patent for helmet to detect neurological disease
Nuro announced that it received a fourth patent for its PAD neurological helmet for detecting neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada–based Nuro designed PAD as a wireless, portable helmet. It detects and continuously monitors various neurological diseases and disorders. The company says that the system differs from traditional fMRI and PET scanners, which require […]