MassDevice.com publisher Brian Johnson sat down with Masimo (NSDQ:MASI) CEO Joe Kiani at DeviceTalks West in Irvine, Calif., On Nov. 19 for a wide-ranging interview about patient safety, corporate culture and the company’s 25th anniversary.
The Medical Device Business Journal — Medical Device News & Articles | MassDevice
Preventable hospital injuries claim as many as 440,000 patients’ lives each year, representing a woefully under-met area of clinical need, according to a new report released by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.).
Sen. Boxer called on hospitals and clinics to devise and share ways to minimize common hospital injuries, such as infections and adverse drug events, in order to prevent needless deaths.
MASSDEVICE ON CALL — Former President Bill Clinton spoke openly before an audience of healthcare stakeholders in Laguna Beach, Calif., this weekend, saying bluntly that efforts to repeal the medical device tax must come with a strategy to make up the lost funds.
"You’ve got medical device people, they hate the tax," Clinton said during the weekend’s Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit. "If you want to get rid of it you’ve got to say how you’d replace it."
Thousands of newborn babies die or suffer serious illness each year for want of a cheap, readily available medical device to test for congenital heart disease, according to neonatal health experts.
The growing Patients Safety Movement has more than doubled its commitments from medtech companies over the course of a single year, with nearly 30 companies promising so far to make the data gathered by their devices available to anyone interested in improving patient care.
Technology giant Philips Healthcare (NYSE:PHG) is 1 of the newest companies pledging to open up the data gathered by its medical devices in the interest of patient safety, MassDevice.com learned today.
MASSDEVICE ON CALL — New Jersey cardiologist Dr. Shashi Agarway last week admitted to collecting more than $100,000 in kickbacks for referring patients for imaging diagnostic exams.
Agarway pleaded guilty to referring patients for MRI and computed tomography scanning at Orange Community MRI in exchange for cash. He told regulators that he received $100 for each Medicare or Medicaid patient he referred for MRI scanning and $50 for each CAT scan.
MASSDEVICE ON CALL — Patient monitoring devices maker Masimo this week touted the "great success" of its 1st Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit, touting a groundswell of support from hospitals and medical technology companies.
Masimo updated its progress toward its stated goal of eliminating preventable deaths by 2020, illustrating the problem with a couple of grim examples.
Sixteen years ago a bagel nearly killed me.
I was just out of college and living at my parents’ house – depressing enough to commit hari-kiri with a stale pastry, but that’s beside the point.
My brush with how the medical system can inadvertently hurt you began as I was cutting the bagel and sliced a chunk off my palm. The wound required 3 stitches.
Former President Bill Clinton is slated to headline a roster of healthcare experts at the 1st Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit next year.