Medical Design & Outsourcing has made an annual effort during “spooky season” to shed light on some early medical devices and innovations and the museums that hold them, but this year is a bit different. Last year, we visited the Earl Bakken Museum’s backroom to get a look at early medical devices. A few years ago, we […]
antique medical devices
4 historical medical devices that will horrify you
The history of medical devices is fraught with misguided ambition, shots in the dark, and, of course, quackery. It is also full of unbelievable invention. When we look back at our medical past, we might see the early iterations of technologies today. There were mistakes, but there were also the early seeds of progress – […]
These 7 antique medical devices will make you shudder
It’s a good thing we live in the times of modern medicine. Historically, medical devices have been scary and unorthodox – and sometimes amounted to downright quackery. Surprisingly, a lot of these devices were thought to be useful in their era, long before the U.S. FDA started preapproving devices (which wasn’t until the 1970s). You […]