SmartBreast today announced it has forged a partnership with FoxSemicon Integrated Technologies (FITI) to manufacture molecular breast imaging systems.
FITI will be the contract manufacturer of the two molecular breast imaging systems recently acquired by SmartBreast, the GE Healthcare Discovery NM750b and the Dilon Technologies D6800. SmartBreast previously announced that it would be rebranding the imaging systems as Eve Clear Scan e750 and e680, respectively.
SmartBreast and FITI will co-develop and manufacture innovative, cost-effective, next-generation MBI systems to further increase the efficacy of detecting cancer in its earlier stages. The company will integrate stereotactic MBI-guided biopsy and 3D-MBI technology to enhance functionality.
“FITI is excited to partner with SmartBreast to help women around the world with the earlier detection of cancer in dense breast tissue,” FITI president and CEO Kevin Chiu said in a news release. “We are proud to invest in and work with SmartBreast to provide highly effective MBI systems for women around the world.”
“We are executing a strategy to grow SmartBreast to become the largest global player in the secondary screening and diagnostics market for women with dense breasts by providing the most effective tool for locating and diagnosing cancers occult on mammography,” president and CEO James Hugg said. “We acquired the Dilon Technologies D6800 and GE Healthcare’s Discovery NM 750b MBI product lines, consolidating clinically proven reliable products with 217 installations globally. SmartBreast, working with our manufacturing partner FITI, will make MBI available to all dense breast patients who are woefully in need of better cancer discovery and diagnostic tools.”