DeviceTalks Weekly listeners will need some gravy to digest this Thanksgiving feast-sized podcast featuring news and insights from three stellar guests in addition to two new installments of #2minutedetalks chapters from Delve Inc. and Explorer Surgical.
This week we visit with…
- Mark Leahey, president of the Medical Device Manufacturers Association, who explains where medtech might fits in this evolving political climate.
- Spencer Stiles, group president of orthopaedic and spine at Stryker, who shares details on the Wright acquisition and the secret to the success of placing MAKO surgical robots in hospitals during the pandemic.
- Art Collins, senior advisor to Explorer Surgical. The former chair & CEO discusses leadership, Medtronic and the future for startups like Explorer.
Also co-host Chris Newmarker, executive editor of MassDevice, shares his selections for this week’s #newmarkersnewsmakers, which includes news from BD, Boston Scientific and Johnson & Johnson.