MASSDEVICE ON CALL — A plastic pill-sized camera developed by researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital can capture images of the upper gastrointestinal tract, catching tissue from the surface and up to 10 microns deep as a means of searching for cancer, Medgadget reported.
The plastic camera uses infrared light beams to capture images as the pills spins and is navigated through the upper GI tract.
Healthcare savings through wound management
Smith & Nephew’s (FTSE:SN, NYSE:SNN) pocket-sized, negative-pressure wound healing device aims to prevent post-operative infections, which coast an average of $50,000 for a 1-week hospital stay.
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It’s not all gloom and doom in medtech investment
Venture capital funding in the medical device space has been hard to come by in recent quarters, but some investors say they’re "optimistic" about 2013.
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Healthcare giants house their big data lab in far from home
Healthcare titans Mayo Clinic and UnitedHealth Group hope to send a message by putting their "big data" research lab in Cambridge, Mass., aiming to encourage players far from their home state of Minnesota to get involved in efforts to mine the data for information that may help improve care.
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