Stealthy mass spectrometry company Perfinity Biosciences has raised $2.3 million in an equity offering, just over a month after it pulled in nearly the same amount, according to regulatory filings.
Perfinity was created by West Lafayette, Ind.-based Quadraspec Inc., which makes DVD-like discs that can hold up to 272 biological samples and be analyzed by reading machines. Quadraspec has raised more than $20 million in outside capital, and its shareholders will remain Perfinity’s owners, the Indiana Business Journal reported.
Perfinity filed a patent for a new method of preparing biological samples for mass spectrometry, an analytical technique to identify and quantify the chemical structure of molecules. The patent is based on work done by Fred Regnier, a Purdue University faculty member and co-founder of Quadraspec.
Neither Perfinity nor Quadraspec appear to have websites.
In Perfinity’s most recent regulatory filing, the company said it raised more than $2.3 million in an equity offering to 26 investors. In a May filing, the company said it raised more than $2.3 million, again with an equity offering, this time from 156 investors.
The company recently hired Steven Plump, a former Eli Lilly & Co. executive, to be its interim president. Plump wasn’t available for comment.