Three years ago, Mylan (NSDQ:MYL) began holding summits for food allergy bloggers to learn about its campaign to get its EpiPen epinephrine injector into schools. Many of the bloggers, mothers of children with serious allergies, were eager to help.
Some, including Ruth LovettSmith, wrote thousands of posts, providing testimony that some legislators say convinced them to pass bills requiring schools to stock EpiPens – even as the company jacked the price by more than 500%, from $100 in 2008 to nearly $600 this year, according to Reuters.
The company has come under fire in recent months for the price hike, prompting scrutiny from the U.S. Senate.
“I personally believe that Mylan held the summits to gain blogger trust and then used those bloggers to spread word about their initiatives. They raised prices while those initiatives gained traction,” LovettSmith told the news service.
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