First spinal truss procedures logged by 4Web Medical
4Web Medical said that the 1st surgeries using its curved posterior spine truss system for transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion procedures were successfully performed.
The launch of the curved TLIF system is another strategic milestone for the company in 2016, according to the VP of spine sales Geoffrey Bigos. “New product launches have made a significant contribution to 4Web’s growth and expansion this year,” Bigos said in prepared remarks. “Year-to-date growth over the previous year has surpassed 103% in both revenue and unit sales. The Q4 addition of the Curved TLIF implant and the expected Q1 launch of the Lateral Spine Truss system will certainly set the stage for a repeat performance in 2017.”
Using 30 years of topological dimension theory research, the company developed 4Web, a novel geometry that acts as a building block to create high-strength, lightweight web structures. 4Web Medical uses 3D printing to design and create its implants, including the cervical spine truss system, the ALIF spine truss system, the posterior spine truss system, the lateral spine truss system and the osteotomy truss system.
The Frisco, Texas-based company is developing truss implant designs for knee, hip, trauma, and patient-specific orthopedic procedure, it reported.