MASSDEVICE ON CALL — Veterinarian groups have joined up with medical device industry lobbyists in opposing the 2.3% medical device sales tax contained in the Affordable Care Act.
Designed to help fund healthcare reform, the tax unfairly affects veterinarians, who aren’t getting any sort of perks from ACA in terms of new patients, according to the American Veterinary Medical Assn.
Although the tax only applies to manufacturers, the association is concerned that it’ll be passed on to customers in the form of price increases, according to the AVMA’s website.
"We are not getting any more patients from the Affordable Care Act, and we should not be pulled into this," past AVMA president Dr. Douglas Aspros told the Washington Post. "This is an additional expense…and we do not need to bear this burden on top of an already stressed environment."
Tenn. Dem plans mHealth bill
Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) plans to introduce a new bill that she says would eliminate some of the regulatory red tape for low-risk mobile medical technologies, including health-related smartphone apps.
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Minnetronix expands again
Minnesota medtech company Minnetronix opened up a new 65,000-square-foot section at its St. Paul headquarters, the 3rd expansion in the last 3 years.
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Study: Curbing radiation therapy is "Holy Grail of health reform"
Doctors need to limit their use of radiation therapy in providing palliative care to help reduce pain for patients with tumors that have spread to the bones, according to to researchers, who said the evidence doesn’t suggest that repeat radiation does much good.
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Mass. casino would mean big bucks for medtech accelerator
The Massachusetts Medical Device Development Center would get a $1.5 million yearly donation if Cordish Companies gets approval to build a casino in Leominster. The grant would satisfy the gaming commission’s mandate that casino applicants provide some type of "economic development."
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