Since its launch last month, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s (R-Va.) Citizen Cosponsor website has listed nearly 3,000 bills, among them "Protect Medical Innovation Act of 2013," a measure to repeal the 2.3% medical device tax that took effect at the start of this year.
So far 47 citizens have signed up to publicly cosponsor the bill, which also has the support of 250 members of Congress, the website notes.
Cantor launched the website just over a month ago, calling it a "sweeping expansion of our Citizen Cosponsor Project."
"Transparency, open government and engagement should be a key goal of all elected leaders in Washington, and Cosponsor.Gov is one step in that direction," Cantor said in prepared remarks. "The new website will now feature every bill and resolution introduced in the House, from Republicans and Democrats. I’m excited that any engaged citizen can voice their support, and track the status of legislation in the House."