The number of medical device recalls fell 17% during the 2nd quarter to a 2-year low, with 47% fewer units pulled from shelves than during the same period last year, according to a report from Stericycle.
There were 275 recalls involving 148 companies during the quarter, the lowest number since the 2nd quarter of 2012, according to the report, which is compiled using data from the FDA and other regulatory agencies. The number of recalled units, however, rose 82% compared with the 4th quarter of 2013, the company said.
Of the companies involved in recalls, 28% had 2 or more and 7% had 5 or more during the quarter, Stericycle said, noting that 1 company alone accounted for 26 recalls, or 18% of the total recall volume during the quarter.
Recalls for FDA-covered industries including food, pharmaceutical and medical devices were down 10% to 495. Apart from the automotive industry, which saw a 21% jump to 194 Q2 recalls, rates were flat or declining (including the 91 pharmaceutical recalls logged by the FDA during the quarter), according to the report.
"Our Q2 recall index underscores that even when recall rates remain relatively flat, the challenges of global recall response are still imminent," Stericycle vice president Mike Rozembajgier said in prepared remarks, noting that "even the most vigilant manufacturer will 1 day be faced with an event. As such, companies must ensure they are prepared to address all of the challenges of effective recall execution to minimize the fallout when a recall occurs."