Retinal implant brings Terminator-like eyes closer to reality: MIT researchers are working on a retinal implant that bypasses damaged retinal cells to give direct visual input to the brain.
Medical robotics in the spotlight: The Royal College of Surgeons in England has partnered with the Qvist Gallery at the Hunterian Museum to profile the history of the development of robotic tools for medical applications.
Fitbit tracks your movements, day and night: Big Brother isn’t watching you, but Fitbit is. The device clips onto your clothing and, using a 3D motion sensor, tracks how many calories you burn, your patterns of physical activity and even how much sleep you get.
Implantable epilepsy device shows positive signs in clinical study: Neuropace’s RNS system is proving to be effective in treating epilepsy through responsive stimulation, by monitoring brain activity and sending an electrical jolt designed to prevent seizures.
A weekly roundup of new developments in medical technology, by