MASSDEVICE ON CALL — Doctors have a lot riding on a fiscal cliff decision, with both a sequestration measure and a Medicare reimbursement cut on the line if Congress fails to come to an agreement before the start of the year.
Healthcare providers are hoping that Congress will act in order to stop a % cut in payments to Medicare plans under sequestration, as well a more than 26% cut in Medicare reimbursements, Politico reported.
Getting it wrong on ablation?
With 1 year results from Medtronic Symplicity trial making headlines, media reports may be jumping too quickly on an American Heart Assn. press release touting the potential benefits of the therapy as a "cure" for hypertension.
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Medicare bills aims to protect patient IDs
Congress passed the Medicare Identity Theft Prevention Act last week, a bill that will implement a redesigned Medicare identity card that doesn’t include a patient’s social security number.
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MIT researchers seeking urine test for detecting cancer
MIT researchers are looking for ways to pick up on specific proteins that are expressed in very low concentrations in urine, which may be a way to detect cancer.
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