Welcome to MassDevice's Diabetes Hub, your resource for the latest news in diabetes technology. Stay informed about the innovations and business news shaping the diabetes device industry.
Here are top diabetes features from MassDevice and its sister publications (and scroll down to read the latest diabetes device news from MassDevice):
+ The 9 largest diabetes tech companies in the world
+ These diabetes devices are set to launch in 2024
+ The biggest stories from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) 2024 Scientific Sessions
+ These diabetes devices are set to launch in 2024
+ How Dexcom designed a new “life-changing” sensor for even more people with diabetes
+ Embecta CEO sees GLP-1 opportunities as company progresses on insulin patch pump
Latest Diabetes News
Diabetes: Better remission after weight loss surgery than other methods

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – More than 20 years of evidence suggests that bariatric surgery produces greater weight loss and more type 2 diabetes remissions than nonsurgical treatments for the obese, according to a review.
Diabetes: Patients hack glucose monitors | MassDevice.com On Call

MASSDEVICE ON CALL — More and more patients are hacking into their glucose monitors to add functionality, with medical device companies lagging behind as they work their own improvements through the FDA, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Diabetes: Medtronic readies smartphone-enabled CGM | MassDevice.com On Call
Diabetes: iHealth realigns, eyes the globe with new $25M investment

California mobile devices maker iHealth is undergoing a major shift, fueled by a $25 million investment from Xiaomi Ventures, the company’s 1st institutional round of funding.
Diabetes: FDA OKs 1st glucose meter with insulin calculator

Biotech titan Roche secured a landmark FDA win with clearance for its Accu-Chek Aviva Expert blood glucose meter, the 1st of its kind with a built-in insulin calculator to help guide patient therapy.
Diabetes: Medtronic study finds pumps beat injections for patient satisfaction

Insulin pumps beat manual injections for managing symptoms of Type 2 diabetes, according to the latest results from Medtronic’s (NYSE:MDT) OpT2mise clinical trials.