The new capabilities bring Ambu single-use endoscopy to bear on fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) procedures, which Ambu officials take place more than 1 million times a year across key markets in North America, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.
“FEES procedures represent a large and growing area for patient care, one which has become even more important since Covid-19, and one where single-use endoscopy can play an important role,” said Bassel Rifai, Ambu’s chief marketing officer.
The FEES procedure requires a flexible rhinolaryngoscope to assess swallowing physiology and function for people with trouble swallowing.
“Overall, I find that use of the Ambu rhinolaryngoscope has improved the experience of fibreoptic swallowing assessments for both the clinician and the patient. For me, the scope is lightweight, easy to use, and always available. For the patient, there is comfort due to the thin scope diameter and no cross-contamination risks from a scope that may not have been reprocessed properly,” said Jacqueline Mojica, a speech pathology clinical specialist and assistant professor at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York.
Ambu said it plans to follow up in the future with the launch of high-resolution rhinolaryngoscopes.