Alcon (NYSE:ALC) announced data from a clinical study supporting the use of its SmartCataract solutions for cataract surgery.
Geneva, Switzerland-based Alcon will present the data at this year’s American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) meeting.
According to a news release, Alcon’s latest data for the SmartCataract demonstrates significant time savings delivered during the cataract evaluation, planning process, operating room (OR) and postoperative (post-op) workflow.
The company’s SmartCataract represents the first application in Alcon’s comprehensive cloud-based platform for surgical ophthalmic practices. Alcon designed the platform to link data systems and most diagnostic devices — including the Argos biometer with image guidance — with cataract surgical equipment, including the LenSx femtosecond laser and LuxOR Revalia ophthalmic microscope.
SmartCataract also connects via the cloud to Alcon’s Optiwave Refractive Analysis (ORA) system with the VerifEye+ intraoperative aberrometer.
Dr. Zachary Zavodni, Medical Director of The Eye Institute in Utah, conducted the Alcon-sponsored study that looked at the time taken and the number of manual data entry transcription points for the devices in the clinic, OR, online intraocular lens (IOL) power calculations and ORA integration.
The study demonstrated that, for non-astigmatic, non-post-refractive patients, SmartCataract can save 4.3 minutes compared to traditional methods. For post-refractive patients, the time saved was 13.8 minutes, while it totaled 12.6 minutes for astigmatic patients.
“We are proud of the latest evolution of our SmartCataract application with the ORA integration, which eliminates even more manual data entry for practices that utilize the only intraoperative aberrometer to help optimize patient outcomes during cataract surgery,” Alcon VP of Surgical Digital Health Solutions Brian O’Neal said in the release. “We look forward to continuing to evolve the SmartCataract application as well as our Smart solutions capabilities more broadly—as part of our larger journey to enable world-class digital experiences to support practice efficiency while helping people see brilliantly.”